Hello world component allows new developers to learn few things for ossn quickly.
Covers https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/documentation/view/6986/creating-new-simple-form-for-your-component
Tell you how you create seperate css file and how to add its link in
header of ossn.
NOTE: If you have downloaded from github then you need to re zip with correct directory name.
Technically you need to rename component and keep it single for other stuff too
I see now. You are basically just overriding variables using the hello world component.
I can change text now but can I keep using the same single component for functions as well or do I have to create separate component to do some things?
To those who cannot find the page if you look in: ossn_com.php in the root of this component you'll see the page is now located at:
https:// yourdomain.tld /hello_custom_template
as Arsalan already wrote in the description this component is primarily meant for developers.
Hence, after installing and enabling it needs another step and that is: READING the code.
It's explained there where it will appear.
installed, activated, released the cache, where does it appear?
Thank you very much, Sir! Very very useful!
How do I view these:
Tells you how you can add your css code in deafult ossn css file.
Tells you how you can add your js code in deafult ossn js file.
Tell you how you create seperate css file and how to add its link in
header of ossn.
I have installed it.
How to make the current home page on the MY_SITE / REGISTER subpage.
How do I move my homepage to the registration subpage?
And the main page as clean (hello world)
How to replace it. I want to build a new home page from scratch.
listen to me please make block user or deactivate user account and make available report user and coment and more please make follow user and like facebook chat etc that chat to talk and more like facebook please anyone