Traditional Chinese Language Pack
1.0 for OSSN 5.2
1.1 for OSSN 5.3
1.1.1 for OSSN 5.3 Modify text.
malayalam language plan ??
It's not working for OSSN last version!
I'm getting "Cannot upload component, make sure it is a valid package."
OSSN 5.2 - v1.0
Any idea what might be going on?
Thank you, we'll merge this and put your name in contributors list
I upload new file for 5.3 is version 1.1
Thanks, we'll merge it in core in v5.3 can you send us following translation for v5.3 please
'ossn:com:installer:create:tmpdir:error' => 'Cannot create temporary data directory',
'ossn:com:installer:upload:error' => 'An error occured during upload: %s',
'ossn:com:installer:version:error' => 'This component requires Ossn %s or higher',
'ossn:com:installer:remove:comdir:error' => 'This component has been installed already - please delete it from the list on the components page, first',
'ossn:com:installer:create:comdir:error' => 'Cannot copy files to component directory',
'ossn:com:installer:xml:incomplete:error' => 'Component description file missing or incomplete',
'ossn:com:installer:zip:incomplete:error' => 'Component zip-archive incomplete',
'ossn:com:installer:open:zip:error' => 'Cannot open component zip-archive',
'ossn:com:installer:move:uploaded:file:error' => 'Invalid zip-archive',
'ossn:com:installer:com:installation:success' => 'Component has been uploaded to your components list, you can now enable it from components page.',
'php:upload_err_ok' => 'There is no error, the file uploaded with success',
'php:upload_err_ini_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini',
'php:upload_err_form_size' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form',
'php:upload_err_partial' => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded',
'php:upload_err_no_file' => 'No file was uploaded',
'php:upload_err_no_tmp_dir' => 'Missing a temporary folder',
'php:upload_err_cant_write' => 'Failed to write file to disk',
'php:upload_err_extension' => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload',