WebChat 2.0.3 BETA Download 2.0.3b

gb Kevin B 4 years ago


This component adds a mobile-first, individually styled web chat module to OSSN. You need the Pusher Channels service for realtime updates.

You'll want to add the link to the main menu AND/OR redirect logins directly to WebChat using the Component Admin page:
Enable menu link and redirect

Latest Update

v2.0.3 BETA 16th Dec 2020

  • Feature request: Do not clear the message input field when you send a GIPHY
  • Changed component to store settings in the "site settings" rather than "component settings". Once set, these details will no longer need be input after ever install/upgrade.
  • Fixed incorrect case in ID name of ossn_com.xml
  • Moved "Web Chat" link to the "Links" section for better compatibility with OSSN standard installation.


OSSN >= v5.6
OssnMessages >= 5.4
OssnServices >= 6.4
Private Network >= 5.4

API Keys

GIPHY for animated GIFs that can be added to messages

FREE key from https://developers.giphy.com

Pusher - For the live chat feature

FREE Channels app-key from www.pusher.com


Demo site is running ossn 5.6, GreenByGreen theme and only has Private Network, API Services and WebChat components installed.

Near future updates

Add ossn credit
Message status dialog
Online status for group members
Block message content of blocked users
Hide blocked users from create new chat dialog
User is typing...
MP4 video uploads
Limits on number of images/videos people can upload
Allow to share images directly from profile
Add type to message table GIPHY, info, photo, profile image etc.
Implement OSSN blocked users
Migrate chat_api to ossn actions
Implement mobile notifications


Decide on consistent naming convention throughout. Is it Groups / Chats / WebChat etc. Need to keep language consistent throughout.
Remove ALL error_log / console.log and debug responses
Finish tidying up code and commenting (if I have time to kill)
CSS animations / transitions to make the experience feel more app-like.
Sounds for sending/receiving messages
White border on giphy thumbnail selection
change giphy default search as it keeps failing


Encryption and Presence / Private Pusher Channels
Public/Private groups (to plan)
Voice and Video calls
Public Webcam broadcasts / channels
User Search by distance/gender etc
Who looked at me?
View and manage profile / galleries
View and post to walls

I'd be grateful for feedback on how I could improve the component. Any bugs or issues please also report here.

Older updates

Version history can be found in this Google Doc
WebChat Version History

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

Ok this does raise s few things to query.

  1. What tables did you amend? You should never need to make any changes to the database. If you have a breaking issue with a component, remove the ossn-com.php file and it won't be able to register itself or make any dynamic changes at runtime. Unless you really know the workings of the system intimately, you should never amend anything in the database. What may look like an easy change, could have multiple references in other tables which could cause unexpected results. The only thing manually added to the site is the components, so they should be the only things manually removed.

  2. All those errors point to a component named HomeTools. I've never seen that one before. Had that been recently installed? Have you tried removing the component? Have you tried paying the content of older versions of those components into the old component folders? Make sure the car matches too. The reference to the component folder is case sensitive. I've if you've registered WebChat but recreate the folder as webchat, it'll not show in the admin dashboard properly.

  3. An error reading the .htaccess file tells me there could potentially be a permission problem on the server where the site is hosted. Had it recently been moved? Had there been any changes on the hosting? If you add a single helloworld.html or a phpinfo.php file to the root of the hosting, can you view it in the browser?

  4. Did you have caching enabled? It's possible that clearing the cache could resolve this. You may need to search the forum for ways of doing this without access to the dashboard.

  5. Last resort could be a reinstall of the site. If you were going to attempt that you MUST take a backup of the site, the ossn_data folder and the SQL database. Because even in its non-functional state, it's likely all perfectly fine once this particular issue is resolved. I'd be more than help with this as a last resort, but I can in no way accept any responsibility for any loss of data etc. This would be a free one-off assistance but at your risk.

You can find my contact details on kjbtech.co.uk if you need to reach out.

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

[Fri Nov 20 13:44:55.146916 2020] [core:crit] [pid 31479] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00529: /home/patriotb/publichtml/.htaccess pcfgopenfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable and that '/home/patriotb/public_html/' is executable

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

Kevin, the url is http://www.patriot-book.us
I understand the component shouldn't modify anything in the core.
I (not sure how) neglected to set backups.
The page went white as in broken, kinda like out of memory, just the site, not the server.
The database seems to be complete other than the two tables I removed.
I did not edit any core files.

Logs have :

[21-Nov-2020 02:27:40 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2020-11-21 02:27:40 (UTC): "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" in file /home/patriotb/publichtml/components/HomeTools/classes/hometools.php (line 243)
[21-Nov-2020 02:27:40 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2020-11-21 02:27:40 (UTC): "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" in file /home/patriotb/public
html/components/HomeTools/classes/hometools.php (line 244)
[21-Nov-2020 02:27:48 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2020-11-21 02:27:48 (UTC): "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" in file /home/patriotb/publichtml/components/HomeTools/classes/hometools.php (line 243)
[21-Nov-2020 02:27:48 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2020-11-21 02:27:48 (UTC): "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" in file /home/patriotb/public
html/components/HomeTools/classes/hometools.php (line 244)

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

What page? You mean completely white? Or just no contacts in the list? You'll need a friend to chat to if that's the case?

I've accepted the friend request and sent a message.

jm Darien Brown Replied 4 years ago

Signed up with your website to see the web chat but the page is blank

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

WebChat doesn't actually modify any core files, so removing the ossn-com.php from the component folder should be all you need to do to remove any effects.

If you've completely removed the component there must be something else going on.

Have you checked all the log files? Any errors popping up that might give us a hint?

Do you have a backup? Can you just restore the site to another version?

Did you manually edit any other files?

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

My logs said hometools had problems, so I deleted the webchat and hometools folders along with the perspective database table.
I still have the white screen.

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

To get your site back, delete the contents of the component folder, and then put in the contents of the 3.1.8 zip.

Did you edit the manifest file? You'll need to do that otherwise it'll be looking for my demo server.

us John Miller Replied 4 years ago

So, I have installed 1.3.9
When I enabled the component I was presented with the component code, no option to edit or save.
I clicked back on the PWA and now have a plain white page.
I changed the folder name in components in a failed effort to restore the site.

gb Kevin B Replied 4 years ago

Excellent 😊 thanks
It's all completely new to me so there'll be a few bumpy starts but I'm determined to have it working well.


Developer: Kevin
License GPL v2
Type: Communication
Requires Ossn Version : 5.5
Latest Version: 2.0.3b
Last Updated 4 years ago
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