Shows the topbar menu for unloggedin users, so unloggedin users may browse items. Default list is based on enabled components in order
Groups, Blogs, Videos, MP3, Marketplace, Files, Forum, Business Pages
You may edit as per your need /UnLoggedinMenu/plugins/default/unloggedinmenu/menus.php
based on BS5 navbars
Tested only on GoBlue theme and make sure PrivateNetwork is disabled.
i tried
position: fixed
but does not work.
Im using white theme.
Thanks alot, how can i make that the Navbar is not scrolling anymore and stay fixed at the top instead?
Sorry for the many questions.
Just had a brief look ...
One option would be to add a higher z-index here in menus.php like
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark bg-dark" style="z-index: 1000">
Another maybe better one could be to stop the absolute positioning of the video in backgroundVideo.js like
/* Check for 3dtransforms
if(me.options.has3d) {
this.options.$video.css(me.options.browserPrexix + 'transform', 'translate3d(-'+ xPos +'px, ' + yPos + 'px, 0)');
this.options.$video.css('transform', 'translate3d('+ xPos +'px, ' + yPos + 'px, 0)');
} else {
this.options.$video.css(me.options.browserPrexix + 'transform', 'translate(-'+ xPos +'px, ' + yPos + 'px)');
this.options.$video.css('transform', 'translate('+ xPos +'px, ' + yPos + 'px)');
because this would really make the top of the video appear below any other headers
Thanks for this extension, unfortunately the menu is not displayed when a backround video is set up. I'm sure it's just a small thing to bring the menu back to the foreground and fix it, but I'm still having trouble finding the solution. Can anyone help me?
Is it possible to have this working in Ossn 5.6? Please advise. Thank You.
Really enjoyed! on my site only events and groups appear in the link, how do I make others appear as well as in your example image?