An improvement on OssnMessages component to allow the user to remove an conversation from message system. Conversation stil remain in other side of the chat.
As I said in ImagesInMessage component, OSSN message system has 2 components. The OssnMessages is used in mobile version and OssnChat is the small chatbox at bottom of the page. At this version, this component only works with OssnMessage. Maybe someone here can help me to develop this part of the component :-)
Left side is user 1. Right side is user 2.
If you want to help me to make more components, click on the button down bellow and buy me a coffee. It's up to you how much coffee I'll drink :-)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
This look cool
Yes I would say delete chat for everyone and maybe put a timer on it so it deletes after 10 days from everyone, this also helps the server side from getting full up with old chat.
I would do the same with posts anyway if the user wants.
It can be made but, if I remember, there is an issue with GDPR.
Can you maybe add the possibility to delete chat for everyone?
Thank you : )
Really nice work!
I will test it soon!
Before studying and testing your component, we must first thank you for your efforts, it's nice to see developers who devote their precious time to make OSSN more competitive. thanks also to all the OSSN Team, Arsalan Shah, Michael Zülsdorff and the others. Good day to you all