Disable Developer Tool Download 1.2

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] 2 years ago

Disable Developer Tool Window and Right Click

Implementation of disble-devtool library into OSSN. The
disable-devtool disables all access to the devtools, preventing 'code porting' via the devtools

This library has the following features:

  • Support configurable whether to disable the right-click menu
  • Disable shortcut keys such as f12 and ctrl+shift+i
  • Support recognition to open developer tools from browser menu bar and close the current page
  • Developers can bypass the disable (url parameters are encrypted with tk and md5)
  • Multiple monitoring modes, support almost all browsers (IE, 360, qq browser, FireFox, Chrome, Edge...)
  • Highly configurable, minimalist to use, compact
  • Support npm reference and script tag reference (property configuration)
  • Identify the real mobile terminal and the browser developer tool to set the plug-in forged mobile terminal to save performance for the mobile terminal
  • Support for identifying developer tools close events
  • Support configurable whether to disable selection, copy, cut, paste function
  • Support to identify eruda and vconsole debugging tools

How to setup the options

After enabling the component, open the Disable Developer Tool option in the Config menu and set the options as you wish.


The component was tested in OSSN 6.1 and 6.4, free and premium versions. Maybe some adjustments are required in older versions. In this case, use at your own risk.

How to support

If you want to help me to make more components, click on the button down bellow and buy me a coffee. It's up to you how much coffee I'll drink :-)


  • 1.2

    • Fixed loop when devtools is open before page load - #2
  • 1.1

    • Improved the verification for default values after component activation - #1
    • Changed the license type in XML file
    • Package disable-devtool upgraded from 0.3.1 version to 0.3.4
    • Admin configuration moved to Red Crested Components main menu
  • 1.0

    • Initial version


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Go to Red Crested License to read the last version of our terms.

German Dominik L Replied 8 months ago

I added seo tags with the seo component https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/component/view/3687/seo-with-open-graph-and-meta

When activating your component, the seo tags are not visible over dev tools anymore, that coud be a problem while indexing

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

Just one thing:

after changing secret, key or one of the checkboxes, the component is not flushing cache automatically, maybe consider this as a feature?

German Dominik L Replied 1 year ago

Working for me on OSSN 7.2

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 2 years ago

Dominik and Michael

Could you test the new version?

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 2 years ago

Tested with latest Chrome and Firefox on Linux:

  • open new browser tab
  • open developer console
  • enter Dominik's URL and press Enter key

Result: continuous page reloads until memory gets exhausted
(you'd better close the tab in time before that happens) 😅

German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago

Works now - F12 (devtools) and right click is disabled

But you have to clear the Cache manually, is that correct?

And I found a bug, when you activate "Disable the right-click menu" and then open the devtools from google chrome menu, it opens and the site reloads endlessly

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 2 years ago


Install the latest version and let me know if works

German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago

no, I installed it a few days ago

Breton Rafael [redcrested.net] Replied 2 years ago

Was the component installed today?

I'll review on this code in a few days.

German Dominik L Replied 2 years ago

It produces some error

[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "tkname" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/publichtml/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 25)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "key" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/public
html/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 32)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "disableMenu" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/publichtml/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 38)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "clearLog" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/public
html/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 43)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "disabelSelect" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/publichtml/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 48)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "disableCopy" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/public
html/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 53)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "disableCut" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/publichtml/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 58)
[01-Jun-2023 10:34:23 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 10:34:23 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "disablePaste" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/public
html/components/DisableDevTool/plugins/default/forms/DisableDevTool/admin/settings.php (line 63)
[01-Jun-2023 11:48:01 UTC] PHP WARNING: 2023-06-01 11:48:01 (UTC): "Attempt to read property "name" on bool" in file /home/queermeet/public_html/libraries/ossn.lib.admin.php (line 245)


Developer: Rafael
License select license
Type: Site admin
Requires Ossn Version : 6.1
Latest Version: 1.2
Last Updated 2 years ago
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