I just upgraded my site to 3.5 and noticed that the age calculations in the profile are incorrect. It lists me as being 60 while I am still 59.
@David I am curious are you 48 years old because if you are for some reason my site is calculating the age right. Generally when they write a script that uses a calendar to calculate age or the expiration of a membership or something of that type they use the operating systems calendar to calculate it...Just for the heck of it check the date on your severs to make sure it is set for the correct date like September 26, 2015...Never know I have done it without realizing it and set the year wrong.
DDNS URL - http://missing.sytes.net
Direct URL - https://cegsdesk.byethost18.com/missing
I never paid attention to it before until I did the upgrade and went checking everything.
I guess I'll just have to settle for aging before my time.
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