How do I customized the background colour of my site

Abayomi Oladipupo Posted in General Discussion 9 years ago

Please, I was checking one site belong to one ossn member, and I found that the site has a background coliur that is different from default background colour,
Please I want to know how to do that likewise
Thank you

Breton Felipe Trote Replied 9 years ago

Abayomi Oladipupo
yes and easy to change the background of the site
look for item themes\default\plugins\default\css\default.php

> body {
background-color: #F8F9F9 !important; background-image : url(;background-position: top center;
.top-nav ul li a , .top-nav ul ul a {
color: #404040 !important;}
.top-nav ul li a:hover, .top-nav ul li:hover > a, .top-nav ul :hover > a , .top-nav ul li.current-menu-item a {
color: #b0b0b0 !important;}
body.single .post .entry a, .post .entry a {
color: #120470; }
body.single .post .entry a:hover, .post .entry a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;}

enter image description here

Here you can put a bg.png image with your color
background-image : url(;background-position: top center;
enter image description here

You can color the background
background-color: #222222
enter image description here

remembering que in default.php you can make various modifications in themes