How to reposition image in wall post when posting an updates

Abayomi Oladipupo Posted in General Discussion 9 years ago

Hello house, Please I need this help,
When a user is sharing an updates and the updates contains an image or two, I have always notice that the image appears at the bottom base of the post,
Now, how do I reposition the image to be at the very first line of the post in order to get the attention of the other users


us Curt Guldenschuh Replied 9 years ago

Right...I misunderstood what it was intended for but I understand now. It's all good.

ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 9 years ago

Hello arsalan, thank you,
It does exactly what I want
But I don't really know what members are arguing on in this forum, I believe they should first read through the question and the response before they post comment
The question is how to make picture in the wall post to be above the text and text below the image
And zet man has got it, but curt man is getting it wrong to the other way round
Anyway, it has done what I want it to do, I have no problem about it again
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Thank you

us Curt Guldenschuh Replied 9 years ago

I'll be more than happy to help write docs by y'all have to give me something to work with if nothing more than just a simple list of the features. As it is I have to go through and read the code in the files to see what these things do.

us D M Replied 9 years ago

It is still very Misleading because of what the description of it is at github.
strong textWallPic

A component that will allow you to upload multiple images in your albumstrong text

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

Sorry yes, a detailed description from Curt is still missing.

This component simply changes the order of the posted image and the posted text.

Without this component, or component disabled, you'll get
1. text
2. image

with the component enabled, you'll get
1. image
2. text

us D M Replied 9 years ago

This isn't letting me upload Multiple images to an album as it states on github

us Curt Guldenschuh Replied 9 years ago

I don't get it. I installed this but how do you get it to work? What all does it do?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

Sorry in delay reply, try this component :

ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 9 years ago

Hello arsalan, I am waiting for your response pls, u responded about 2days ago, but never check back for my response

ng Abayomi Oladipupo Replied 9 years ago

Yes exactly