Mobile view, for those who accesss from mobile phones

Carlos Corrente Posted in Technical Support 9 years ago

Hello Good Morning!!!! :D

Can anyone tell me where to find or get the mobile view plugin?


us Jeremy Monroe Replied 9 years ago

That's because this site is a website using forums and regular pages. You are referring to the OSSN platform that is a social web app and uses different architecture and therefore doesn't have a responsive/mobile version as of now.

Portuguese Carlos Corrente Replied 9 years ago

there is no such a plugin but this site where i am writing the threads
have mobile view...
...and responsive

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 9 years ago

There's no such a plugin. A mobile/responsive theme is announced to be part of OSSN 4.x

This question has been answered already several times. Please always search the forum first - before opening a new thread.