I installed latest ossn but cannot login to adminstrator panel using my admin name and passwd. Can you please help. Admin name and passwd is correct but cant login. No error is displayed in the site.
Eror log shows :
[08-Feb-2016 09:48:47 Etc/GMT] PHP Warning: sessionstart(): open(/tmp/sessfdfoonku06643rbhthn68lalf4, ORDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /home/mizorr6h/publichtml/system/start.php on line 11
[Zet Man: numerous identical lines deleted]
Ossn isn't programmed to rely on a specific directory name. Name it Fatih - and it will work.
1. there's no need to post identical errors more than once
2. your host isn't configured to handle PHP sessions
for more details and ask your provider if he is willing to change the host's settings. If not, choose a different one.
I mean rename public_html to publichtml I think then will work your site
Look to your home directory home/mizorr6h/publichtml/
rename publichtml to public_html
Yes, I delete and re-install again.. Same thing happen
Install it again and look to links if they are correct
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