How do i use google adsense on my site? I have the code, but not sure which php to place it in. I would like to have it on the right side where sponsors is located.
Please, I have the code I received from google adsense. In which line exactly I have to introduce the code?
Thank you!
Hi how do i add ads to my site i tried components\OssnAds\plugins\default\ads\page\
but there still not showing up?
Hi arsalan shah plz tell in detail , i m using ossn ver 4.0 and facebook Oinitial theme...
plz telll all steps
I am using the oinitial theme.
Which theme are you using? this should work.
After components\OssnAds\plugins\default\ads\page\ there are two files.. in which file shall i put google adsense code please?
Can you please give me how to add code in detail? I want to put it too.
I edited both from components\OssnAds\plugins\default\ads\page\ and themes\oinitial\plugins\default\ads\page. Still isn't showing up. Can I send you the files to view what may be wrong?
Did you tried to flush cache? it should show the changes, try to remove everthing from files, if it works then there is something wrong.
Are you using the facebook theme? if so try to edit in
Tried to edit the view.php and view_small.php, but still not working. could you provide an example maybe I am missing something?
Thanks in advance
You need to add your adsense code into two files that recides in :
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)