Hi, I'm trying to develop new features to OssnGroup but I need the group id to refresh the current group I am on. For example, I made a new file in the actions folder of OssnGroup. So after the action performs, I would like to refresh the current page I am on, that being the current page group.
in add.php
I noticed that add.php does have that redirection but it instantiates a new object, OssnGroup, to enable that function. Since I don't have a reference to that OssnGroup class, since it is already made in add.php, what methods can I use to get the group id? Thank you.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)