Where did I an mistake?
I want that the defaults posts just can see their friends and this is not working why?
For example at the homepage I must alway change from public to friends and this is annoying
the directory is ossn/system/plugins/default/input/privacy.php
* Open Source Social Network
* @package (Informatikon.com).ossn
* @author OSSN Core Team <[email protected]>
* @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence
* @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence
<div class="ossn-privacy">
<table border="0">
<td style="vertical-align:top;">
<label><?php echo ossn_print('privacy'); ?></label>
<input type="radio" name="privacy" value="2"/>
<span><?php echo ossn_print('public'); ?></span>
<p> <?php echo ossn_print('privacy:public:note'); ?> </p>
<input type="radio" name="privacy" value="3" checked="checked"/>
<span><?php echo ossn_print('friends'); ?></span>
<p> <?php echo ossn_print('privacy:friends:note'); ?> </p>
So I put social_login in the first array, I think this is what actually fixed it. While figuring it out I added components/SocialLogin, action/social/login, and js/view/opensource.socialnetwork.js into the third array. Some of the latter made a difference, but didn't get me there. I honestly don't know if I need them or not, but I'm leaving them since it works.
Thanks for the heads up ~Z~ Man
I'm not actually a programmer, so I try to keep my fiddling to a minimum.
It actually NOT working right. If I click on the privacy box it changes to Friends Only - I don't even have to touch the radio button. If I don't click on the privacy box, it's public.
Found it on my own!
I basically did what TC suggested in that file, now it's working right.
Have a look into components/PrivateNetwork/classes/PrivateNetwork.php
and you'll see the default exceptions.
If you have some progamming skills,
That sounds like a plan. If I'm not mistaken the "call back" URL's should probably be about all I need to worry about. Thanks for your help.
the Private Network component has been devoloped to allow only absolutely necessary operations of free Ossn by default. But it can be configured to allow custom exceptions, too. And obviously Social Login needs one or more of these exceptions to be added. Hence, I can only encourage you to contact the vendor of Social Login and ask for help on that.
Also the Private Network plugin prevents Social Login from working. I had to disable Private Network so default to friends only would be the way to go.
I'm more concerned about making sure the post are NOT seen off site. I have changed the wall to only see friends posts, that's just so you don't see stuff from people you don't know (not actually an issue on my site).
I'm more interested in making sure this post isn't seen on this site (or any other) unless it's intentionally shared to public. Managing drop-downs isn't first nature, I don't want to have to delete and repost if I forget (I've noticed changing after the fact isn't an option).
It's a family site, and I want people to feel safe posting pictures of their kids here. It's easier to put a default in place than it is to train my wife - and the rest of the family for that matter.
I think the easiest solution is still to follow Arsalan (see first posting at the bottom) and set Configure->OssnWall to Friends Posts only
Be aware that admins will still see every post and regular members will see any administrator's posts when running this setup.
I changed it just as T C suggested, flushed cache, logged out, rebooted the server, logged in, flushed cache - my default is still public.
Is there a newer way to do this? I want Friends Only to be the default, and public to be a choice.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)