Best practice overwriting class/libraries

Edgar Vilchis Posted in Component Development 8 years ago

First of all, I would like to thank you all for developing OSSN. It's such an amazing app!
I'm developing my custom components, and I need to create new tables in BD. I already know how to write components, but I need to add some extra features in OssnUser class and add more information in ossn.lib.users for defaultuserfields.

My question is: is it good to add this features and information in these files? Or is it better to create custom class and extend the original one to do what I want?

mx Edgar Vilchis Replied 8 years ago

Never mind! I found out how to do it in the ossn_com.php of my custom component. Thank you for your support.

mx Edgar Vilchis Replied 8 years ago

Yes! Thank you. I figure it out later. Is it possible to add a "configurations" folder inside my custom component in order to disable ossn.lib.users.php and enable a custom.lib.users.php ?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Your question is answered in our wiki page please see: