I tweak the ossnAds component and the admin can upload multiple images for one ad and can play a carousel slider if there are multiple images in ossn_data-->object -> ossnads/images folder.
But when this folder has more than one image can't display the images.
The function ossnsiteurl("ossnads/photo/{$guid}/{$image}") can display the image ONLY if there is one image in folder....if there are two or more images in folder cant display no one image.
It is possible to figure out this problem?
Please see the OssnAds ossn_com.php file for more information.
Probably you are right Arsalan!. Thanks.
I noticed in the OssnAds component code and the saved image in ossndata folder has different name with the image which display the browser.
for example:
The name of image in the ossndata folder 123aaa.jpg
The url which display the ad.... http://site.com/ossnads/photo/987zzz.jpg
I think this is the wrong which I do.
I try to display the images with the same name which are saved in the ossndata folder...but your standard are different.
How can the OssnAds component display a image which is saved in ossndata with a different name between the browser url?
I hope you understand me!!!!
Thanks a lot,
What is the OSSN standard? would it be an array issue?
It seems you edited the OSSN and didn't followed the OSSN standard, we have no idea why its display the image only if there is one image.
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