I would add some fields on the formular registration but i would like to be the only one to type them.
In fact i want to add the websites addresses of my member but i don't want to let them doing it themselves (only cause i don't want they put illegal or pornographics websites).
So people who have a website will have to give me the address by private message and after to have check it, i will add it myself.
Is it possible ?
New Ossn User
I found a way to to what i want. The component don't give me that possibility so i did something else. The topic is closed
Yes Claus Lampert, it would be something like that. Some fields invisible in the registration form but only seeable in the admin panel (when the user is edited in the user list for example) or something like that.
I downloaded, installed and activated signupfields 4.1 component.
It seems it is working only to add one field.
Is it possible to add more fields ?
My function is this one
function signup_fields($hook, $type, $fields){
$extrafield = array(
'name' => 'com:signupfields:website',
$fields['required']['text'][] = $extrafield;
return $fields;
When i put a second line, only the first is seeable.
'name' seems necessary (when i put something else it is invisible)
I like the idea, but how should this work in the registration-form? Someone registers himself in the registration form without the url. Then he sends You the URL. And now? You can´t use the registration-form as the user is allready registered.
I think you need a component in which You, as admin, can add the URL to an existing user in the admin panel.
Please take a look at : https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/component/view/959/signup-fields
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