Adding a Gender Field to Signup and User

George Morris Posted in Beginning Developers 8 years ago


I'm trying to add a gender field "other" to OSSN. I have found some files that need changing, but ultimately, I don't know how to change the appearance of the signup form and user forms so they show more than just male and female.


se Johannes Genberg Replied 5 years ago

I wasn't really sure what to do. Do I just need to add the code you provided? You mentioned something about creating a new component.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

This is a complete solution provided below , even it is a entire component you just need to place code in your ossn_com.php file of your component.

se Johannes Genberg Replied 5 years ago

Can you upload the component here? Half a solution is no good for me :)

us Eli Smith Replied 8 years ago

Hello, this was extremely useful. Do you know how one may add this third gender (along with a color like the other genders) to the stats on the Admin Dashboard?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Hi, download the HelloWorld component and paste the contents of my below reply in ossncom.php (components/HelloWorld/ossncom.php)

us Jeremy Monroe Replied 8 years ago

Nevermind...Have to create the component first. lol Trying to work on too many things at once. Sorry about that.

us Jeremy Monroe Replied 8 years ago

Where is the file located? I seem to be overlooking it.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Create new component and place following code in your ossn_com.php file

function new_gender_init() {
        ossn_add_hook('user', 'default:fields', 'new_gender');
function new_gender($hook, $type, $val, $params) {
        $toremove           = array(
        $return             = ossn_remove_field_from_fields($toremove, $val);
        $fields['required'] = array(
                'radio' => array(
                                'name' => 'gender',
                                'options' => array(
                                        'male' => ossn_print('male'),
                                        'female' => ossn_print('female'),
                                        'other' => 'Other'
        return array_merge($return, $fields);
ossn_register_callback('ossn', 'init', 'new_gender_init');