Templating - I am not a coder, I am a designer. Lets work together.

Claudio Silva Posted in Theme Development 8 years ago

I was thinking over develope a new template for OSSN.
I even opened an account at GitHub and tried to make something.
But the truth is tha I don't have enought knowledge to do this by myself.
The best I could to do was change my default page.
You can see the result here:

More two things I would like to share:
1- I think we should have a forum a little bit more estructured
2- I think documentation for the default template need to be even more explained at their comments.
For an exemple:
Original code:
.ossn-widget {
margin-bottom: 10px;
background-color: #FFF"

With my changes:
/create-account-form-background-color/ (this simple comment makes a huge difference)
.ossn-widget {
margin-bottom: 10px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
opacity: 0.6;

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 8 years ago

Please read the terms (again) you have accepted with registering.

Have in mind that your question/your solution may be helpful for other members, too. Thus it makes sense to use a language which is understood by the majority. And that's English, not Portuguese. So, please add at least an English translation.

Breton Jonathan Goncalves Replied 8 years ago

Olá Cláudio, beleza? Se você quiser podemos conversar!

Breton Claudio Silva Replied 8 years ago

Thank You Maliki!
I saw that already.
But I was thinking on an entire new aproach.
I'm trying to use OSSN for a dating site, so, I need more features.
Like a nav-bar and another face to my site.
I don't want It looks like Facebook.
But I think I will have to give up, at least for now.
I have to learn a lot more about templating.

My GitHub is empty:

pk Malik Umer Farooq Replied 8 years ago

Sir where is your github
Sir one new theme for ossn is available https://github.com/Lablnet/Malik_Theme
Which design of theme you want Can you make y sample images?
You say Lets work together.
If you want I am ready