Adding Finnish translation problem with 4.4

Gh0st Snipu Posted in Technical Support 8 years ago

Hi, i am new to this system and i have been tested this around and i come this problem.
everytime i try to translate en to fi (finnish language) site vanished...yes i use variable $en -> fi and Ä and Ö letters aint reconized at all they comes as ? mark. Can someone help me out with this problem? English version works just fine no problems but soon after "enable finnish" language everything vanish or goes messed up, even admin panel.

Finnish Gh0st Snipu Replied 8 years ago

I got this translation work now. this can be close. And sorry for different issue.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 8 years ago
  1. Why don't you read the Ossn doumentation pages? There are detailed translating instructions available at

  2. Keep your posting content in line with your topic. The fancybox has nothing to do with translating. Please create separate topics for separate questions and problems.

Finnish Gh0st Snipu Replied 8 years ago

Yeh that i know utf-8 is setted in notepad++, but i found the problem maybe? i was following one member tutorial where to add ossnregisterlanguages('fi', $fi) and that didnt work at all "white page" so i turned it to ossnregisterlanguages('fi', $en) and first row $en = array( and that worked just fine. I am still testing that everything is working, also i got timezone errors and post raw data errors and that was easy to handle with php.ini file to add date.timezone = "UTC" and
always_ populaterawpost_data -1

But now i have this error: "rmdir(/home/*****/*****.tk/cache/): No such file or directory" in file /home/*****/******.tk/classes/OssnFile.php (line 34) <- any idea for that? that error comes always when clear cache.

And how to get that fancybox 1.5 get working? it do nothing atm on my site, even pictures uploaded etc.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 8 years ago

Secondly you should enable the Display errors of your website from basic settings page (administration)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 8 years ago

Make sure that you are using an editor which is capable of handling utf-8 encoding, like Notepad++ for example.
AND that the editor's encoding IS in fact set to utf-8.

You may switch Ossn to German and notice that Äs and Ös are displayed correctly. So if you're getting question marks (?) instead with your own translation file, the encoding of your editor must be wrong.

Finnish Gh0st Snipu Replied 8 years ago

Edit, i have been translated fully English -> Finnish language, but everytime i turn Finnish language on admin panel goes into Finnish language but when try to go mainpage of site it vanished?? And then turn site language back to english it works...but when i turn finnish language via user settings(account settings) after that all vanished...cant login at all...not even admin panel.

I could buy this onetime packet but if it has this kinda problem then i am seeking something else.