Notification when someone tags a user

Roger Ghostraven Posted in General Discussion 7 years ago

Are users supposed to get notifications when they are tagged in a post? I have tagged myself on several posts from a different account an in the notification area I didn't get anything saying "So and so tagged you in a post." This is very crucial to building a social network in my eyes.

us Randy Jung Replied 7 years ago

Bansh, very interested in your code, I would love to see it !!!!!!!!!!!!

us Roger Ghostraven Replied 7 years ago

I am running OSN 4.4 Premium. I do not have the hashtag component. I made the change to the code from the github and it is working now. Thank you for the help.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 7 years ago

Also which OSSN version you are running, it seems fixed in v4.4 if it still exists, you should reply to the ticket

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 7 years ago

@Roger, when someone tagged in post, he should received notification, however if it isn't there is bug in OSSN as by default OSSN should send notification when tagging in post create via wall post form.

Please report it here :

gb Rishi B Replied 7 years ago

Also, if anyone knows how to add notifications for tagging/mentions to my code, as the OP asked, that would be excellent.

gb Rishi B Replied 7 years ago

Locate the following line in components/HashTag/ossn_com.php:

code removed as its intellectual property of SOFTLAB24 LIMITED

Note that the above only accepts mentions/tags in the form of @username and will replace it with a link to that user's profile. If someone wants to add to it to allow tagging by first/last name that would be cool.

Catalan James MacKay Replied 7 years ago

I would be interested in your code

gb Rishi B Replied 7 years ago

I agree, it should, but it doesn't generate a notification right now. Additionally, I found that the Hashtags component was pretty good, but did not support @username mentions, so I added this feature myself. If anyone is interested in the code I can post it.