how to add a new main category on the left, such as groups.
Do I have to copy and edit the OSSNGroups component and just change the name?
that should say "I wouldn't exactly say..."
it's too early lol
I mean, I would exactly say you should just copy the OSSNGroups component, but it'd probably help you to look at the source. The relevant part is in ossn_com.php around lines 67-99:
//group list in newsfeed sidebar mebu
$groups_user = ossn_get_user_groups(ossn_loggedin_user());
if($groups_user) {
foreach($groups_user as $group) {
$icon = ossn_site_url('components/OssnGroups/images/group.png');
ossn_register_sections_menu('newsfeed', array(
'text' => $group->title,
'name' => "groups",
'url' => ossn_group_url($group->guid),
'parent' => 'groups',
'icon' => $icon
//add gorup link in sidebar
ossn_register_sections_menu('newsfeed', array(
'name' => 'addgroup',
'text' => ossn_print('add:group'),
'url' => 'javascript:void(0);',
'id' => 'ossn-group-add',
'parent' => 'groups',
'icon' => ossn_site_url('components/OssnGroups/images/add.png')
//Create link in nav to list all groups #990
ossn_register_sections_menu('newsfeed', array(
'name' => 'allgroups',
'text' => ossn_print('groups'),
'url' => ossn_site_url('search?type=groups&q='),
'parent' => 'groups',
'icon' => true,
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)