starting a social network
I do not know how to translate some words that are not translated in the Portuguese version.
I need two changes
Include this text below the sentence
What's on your mind?
To post a video of Youtube paste here the link you want
Para postar um vídeo do Youtube cole aqui o link que quiser
Some words of the software have not been translated from English
I found a file in .php file
I include some translations, but I do not know if I did it correctly.
and I do not know how to update.
I need help to take the step by step.
below I show how I changed the file
'lastlogin' => 'Last Login',
I started here randomly and in the same format as the other translations.
/ * LHF * /
'What's on your mind?' =>
'video: com: all' => 'All Videos',
'video: com: mine' => 'My Video',
'video: with: add' => 'Add Video',
'emembers' => 'Members',
'Upcoming: Birthdays' => 'Upcoming Birthdays',
'ossn: disklike' => 'Do not Like',
'post: share' => 'Post Share',
'video: com: add' => 'Add Video',
'video: with: title' => 'Video Title',
'video: com: description' => 'Video description',
'video: with: file (8MB) Allowed formats (.3gp, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .mp4)' =>
'video with (8MB) and Available Format (.3gp, .mov, .avi, .wmv, .mp4)',
'Save' => 'Save',
'video: com: uploading' => 'Adding Video',
'video: com: converting' => 'Converting Video',
'mobilelogin' => 'User / Mobile',
'social: login: with: facebooK' => 'Login with Facebook user',
'post: shared: title' => 'Shared Post',
Please do not use the translator to translate language files.
To translate langauge file copy the file for example : components/OssnChat/ossn.en.php to components/OssnChat/
Edit with following :
$pt = array(
'ossn:chat:no:friend:online' => 'Ninguém está online',
ossn_register_languages('pt', $pt); //replace en to pt
Same with components/Videos/ossn.en.php to components/Videos/
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)