What has been changed in Ossn v5.0 till now?

Arsalan Shah Posted in General Discussion 6 years ago

Wanted to know what has been changed in Ossn v5.0 please see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opensource-socialnetwork/opensource-socialnetwork/v5.x/CHANGES.txt

Following are main items you may like:

  1. Allow you to upload multiple photos to album.
  2. Album photos will appear on newsfeed when you upload.
  3. Web Services.
  4. Delete messages.
  5. Improved the speed for messages handling.
    Much more.... please see above link
Breton Murillo Henrique Replied 6 years ago

** When will the final stable version of Ossn V5 be released? :.

Breton Murillo Henrique Replied 6 years ago

What is the expected release of a stable final release of OSSN V5?