Hi guys,
I need some advise to figure out why my Notifications are not loading and my Business Page / Fan Page component is not allowing the user to change profile image, the button is there, it highlights when you mouse over it, but when you press it, nothing happens, all of the other buttons are working, just the "Change Image" button. Are they linked by the same issue? What's the fix?
My website is www.cariblime.net
@Daniel, you don't require to pay for upgrade please contact the softlab24 and they shall reply you with solution.
Honestly I'm not that firm with the terms of softlab24. I think, you should simply contact them directly.
I am not running the updated version of the Fan & Business Pages component i have the version before that one and it worked well, now all of a sudden it is messing up, i want to get the updated version but i cannot afford every update at this time. Is there another solution?
There's a Javascript error on your business page, referencing a location service which is not loaded.
Are you sure you're running the latest (1.5) release of the Fan & Business Pages component?
I deleted and re installed the OSSN network, and the Notification fixed itself, but i am still having trouble with the Business Page component. It won't let the user change their profile picture.
hmm... you're getting a javascript error for some reason, but I'm not sure why. my developer console tells me this is the file that's throwing the error (line 62): https://www.cariblime.net/cache/js/1537032267/view/opensource.socialnetwork.js
i'd start there
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)