How to remove link from Left Sidebar menu

Christina Emerson Posted in Component Development 6 years ago

I installed the Blog component on my site but wanted to remove the ability to view all blogs so that it is just a private blog for my users. What files do I need to visit in order to remove the All Blogs link from the left menu? I've searched within the component files but can't seem to locate where. Thanks for all your help in advance.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 6 years ago

Hmm ... I don't quite understand the idea of choosing Ossn to write blogs that no one is allowed to read in the end - using a wordprocessor on my local PC would be much more convienient, no?

us Christina Emerson Replied 6 years ago

Bryce thank you so much for explaining that. I'm very new to the platform. I know it won't make it private I do have in place the username component that will only show their username instead of their first and last name. I just want to restrict users from clicking on the All Blogs link for the time being. I was looking into developing a blog component with the privacy restrictions but I'm still trying to wrap my head around getting a basic component in place before I take on this more complex component. I'll take a look at the locale file. I was looking through the component files and I see where for each link is being produced but didn't check that locale file while I was looking through the components files directory.

us Bryce alvord Replied 6 years ago

So a couple things that might help you out.

OSSN uses language packs if you will to translate a single code reference to many different languages so take a look at Blog/locale/ossn.en.php and you will see there something like this

> 'com:blog:blog:all' => 'All Blogs',

That is the code on the left that translates into what is on the right. So for future reference you can change the ossn.en.php file to your own phrases or vocabulary but be aware any time you update that component it will overwrite what you have entered.

The second point is that removing that link wont make blogs private. The blog link within the user accounts takes you to the same page just through a different workflow. This is definitely a good idea and I believe ~Z~ Man on here has that noted for a future version of the blog component but I have no idea when that would be or if it will ultimately happen. Sorry I cant be of more help!