Groups - Show new posts also in newsfeed

David Exodus Posted in Component Development 6 years ago

Is there a way to mark groups with new unread posts or maybe post these new contents in the OssnWall for users of this group? That would be amazing otherwise like now users do not notice new contents

Catalan Stephen Holton Replied 5 years ago

Did this ever get resolved? Is there a final code sample you can share?

German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

so can i see the Test :

        foreach($posts as $post) {
            $item = ossn_wallpost_to_item($post);
            echo ossn_wall_view_template($item);
            echo "<font color=red>Test 1";
German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

enter image description here

The place was right, you just did not see because the text had the same color as the background ... sometimes you can not see the trees because of the forest !

In deutsch :

Die Stelle war doch richtig , hat man nur nicht gesehen da der Text die selbe Farbe wie der Hintergrund hatte ... manchmal sieht man vor lauter Wald die Bäume nicht !

ch David Exodus Replied 6 years ago

Is there at least a way to highlight groups with new unread content?

oder Tomcat, eventuell wäre es schon besser wenn Gruppen mit ungelesenem Inhalt fett hervorgehoben werden oder mit einem Stern versehen werden. Bin aktuell ziemlich ausgelastet von der Zeit her sonst würde ichs mir direkt mal ansehen.

German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

I have Edit the File siteactivity.php to :

        foreach($posts as $post) {
            $item = ossn_wallpost_to_item($post);
            echo ossn_wall_view_template($item);
            echo "Test";

and i don´t see the "Test" on the Wall . I will add my Bussiness Page Postes for Liker to
the Wall and cant find the right Place for it ... :-(

I will add this Part :

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tomcatbusinesspageswallpostes WHERE pageid = $id LIMIT 10";
foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) {
$postid = $row['postid'];
$owner = $row['poster'];
$photo = $row['foto'];
$titel = $row['titel'];
$inhalt = $row['inhalt'];
$created = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime($row['date

Here comes the HTML Outputs for the Post , i don´t can Post the complete Code
here , because the configuration of the is
not for it ready and delete another Code from this !!! :-(


German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

I have Edit the File siteactivity.php to :

        foreach($posts as $post) {
            $item = ossn_wallpost_to_item($post);
            echo ossn_wall_view_template($item);
            echo "Test";

and i don´t see the "Test" on the Wall . I will add my Bussiness Page Postes for Liker to
the Wall and cant find the right Place for it ... :-(

I will add this Part :

$sql = "SELECT * FROM tomcat_businesspages_wallpostes WHERE pageid = $id LIMIT 10";

foreach ($pdo->query($sql) as $row) {
$postid = $row['postid'];
$owner = $row['poster'];
$photo = $row['foto'];
$titel = $row['titel'];
$inhalt = $row['inhalt'];
$created = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', strtotime($row['date

Here comes the HTML Outputs for the Post , i don´t can Post the complete Code
here , because the configuration of the is
not for it ready and delete another Code from this !!! :-(


German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

Thanks but I have no activity.php, you definitely meant siteactivity.php and it looks like it, right?

The Part for output is these ?

        foreach($posts as $post) {
            $item = ossn_wallpost_to_item($post);
            echo ossn_wall_view_template($item);
ch David Exodus Replied 6 years ago

So there's no way you would try that in future? I've got a lot of users complaining about that :/

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 6 years ago

Tomcat its in OssnWalls , search for activity.php (trying to modifying the file and add groups can result to strange stuff by OSSN, it was removed in after 1.x )

German Tomcat Whalter Replied 6 years ago

Yes , i missing it too ... please tell me dear ossn team how wich place ( at wich file ) the output is for the wall !