I manually installed opensource social network on https://www.urbanpeople.urbantutorial.com/ and I decided to test the creation of users. The user I created received an email but the activation link send to the user said to visit http://urbantutorial.com/index.php/en/component/users/?task=registration.activate&token=1e127b6e5a3114a0bc2ae5489cd21468 , it shows the path to the domain http://urbantutorial.com and not to the subdomain https://www.urbanpeople.urbantutorial.com/ and says that after activation the user can visit http://urbantutorial.com/ instead of https://www.urbanpeople.urbantutorial.com/ . Can anybody help me to fix this?
Arsalan Shah I just send the information that is on https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/wiki/view/891/account-activation-email to the support of my web hosting and they solved for me. About the first link that I received about activation, I don't understand it either but that was what I received.
If problem solved, it would be much appreciated if you tell what exactly was wrong? and you also didn't answered my last reply, the URL didn't appeared to be generated by OSSN.
Problem solve.
This is not a OSSN generated activation link!
Tomcat Whalter I don't understand what you trying to say.
I have just remembered that the email has worked properly with me, after I had created in my web space settings under email accounts an email address and a folder to. Go to your webspace settings and test it , the email you created put into ossn settings !
I am having the same problem Tomcat Whalter.
~Z~ Man I already have that line. I deleted the user and tried again to register and now there is no email sending to the user.
Open the file configurations/ossn.config.site.php
and make sure that it includes exactly that line:
$Ossn->url = https://www.urbanpeople.urbantutorial.com/';
If you actually have/had a line like that but your mails still show a wrong link, please contact your provider to verify any unwanted redirecting rules in .htaccess files or the webserver configuration.
I have register and is not coming Email to me !
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