Troubleshooting ideas for 408 Request Timeout when uploading multiple images to an album

bryce alvord Posted in Technical Support 6 years ago

I have a user that is getting an HTTP Request Timeout (408) when in the photo albums page uploading multiple images that are small-ish ~2MB in size and she gets it frequently. I dont see any errors in the error log that ossn produces. Im wondering if there is some timeout threshold that I could increase or what steps I could take troubleshooting. Here is what I have tried or am currently awaiting answers on

  1. I am awaiting a response on if it works on a different wifi network
  2. I am awaiting a response on a speedtest to measure upload speed and latency
  3. It does it sometimes with 1 image or 10 images, no rhyme or reason that I can tell remotely
  4. The site has 60 users at max on at any given time
  5. I have not heard this complaint from other users but cannot say for certain that no other users get it since it isnt found in the logs.

I suspect this has something to do with her device and/or network but just wondering if anyone has any other input.


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 6 years ago

I don;t believe 60 users are anything. If you are using shared hosting, their system may timing out because the files your friend upload is very much larger and your hosting provider blocking requests. Or can be network problem.

The photos should either appear blank or should not be uploaded , and there should not be 408 error.