Unable to share a post with a link

Florian ROY Posted in Technical Support 5 years ago


I noticed that it is impossible to share a post when someone posts a link, is this normal? And how to be able to share the post even if there is a link?

Romanian Iosif Deak Replied 5 years ago

Romanian Iosif Deak Replied 5 years ago

#Florian ROY Please help me change the color of a URL, as you did a green one from the first image?

and I have another request, how can I add in bold as you did in the second image to a new post?
please help me

French Florian ROY Replied 5 years ago

When you publish an external link, the share button no longer exists ...enter image description here

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 5 years ago

I don't understand what you mean. What i understand is

  1. You can share normal posts
  2. But when you create a post using newsfeed page and post a linkinside it
  3. You don't have any button to share post?