Menu link Icons as gray

Roman Lohov Posted in Theme Development 5 years ago

Quick question. When adding a "New Page to OSSN" lets take simple "Calendar Component". When it shows on menu, the icon its using is

$icon = ossn_site_url('components/calendar/image/calendar.png');

And all the other OSSN components using the same theory. PNG images as icons. But they do not show the actual png image, it shows gray icon. How come? How can I make "Calendar Component" to show gray icon as well?

us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago
us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago

I figured it out. For other people. Icon is also written in css file as content:

One more thing. How do you get what icon is what number?

/* this replaces the icon '>' or content: "\f073" */
    content: "\f044" !important