Login as e-mail address

Denis Zupanc Posted in Component Development 9 years ago


I would like to ask, if in the future will be option that user will can login with their e-mail address (not only with the username)? The problem is that the users always forget their usenames (but email address not)and because of that it will be good if they will have both choice.

Thank you.

Best regards, Denis

Denis Zupanc Replied 9 years ago

Oh, the best! Thank you. I really like your project, so i'm thinking to join to your community of development when I will have time for it. For now, I will just start this project, advertise it and see what will happeN:)
Do you have any news about that someone already run that project and already gained some users?

Thank you!

Best regards, Denis

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 9 years ago

Yes its possible, i'll add to Ossn 3.0