Have another gallery called goodies

loic germain Posted in Beginning Developers 5 years ago


So I want to be able to have another gallery called goodies; it must be two lines of code I know; but I can not.

Thank you

us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago

Yep, every showcase word. then test and see.

French Loic germain Replied 5 years ago

ok else showcasepage to goodiespage?

us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago

Just do a find and replace in notepad++ "showcase" to "goodies".

French Loic germain Replied 5 years ago

another same component with different name? And why?

an component for gallery photos and a new component with a new name ( goodies )

French Loic germain Replied 5 years ago

In fact I love your make up gallery; Very well done; but in fact; I want to duplicate your component; and call it something else; but as soon as I try to add it; it sends me back to an error. So how do you do it?

Thank you

us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago

I don't understand what you need? Just a name change or another same component with different name? And why?

French Loic germain Replied 5 years ago

help me please Mr Roman,

us Roman Lohov Replied 5 years ago

it must be two lines of code I know

Flag to you man and a song to go! :)

Hear this. There was a guy who's car won't start, so he asked a guy to help him out. So the guy goes opened the hood and smashed something with a hammer. Quick fix. Car started. The guy say, that will be $100.
So the other guy is like, what? for one whack of a hammer for 3 sec job?
So the guy responded, its not how I hit it, or how long it took me. You paying me, because I knew WHERE to hit it.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 5 years ago

No, it's not just two lines of code. Detailed instructions are available at

You should also study the Naming conventions How-To in the documentation section.