"All fields required" error

Tango Oscar Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago

Hi all, I recently installed OSSN and have been tinkering with components. I notice I cannot edit the profile. I get an "All Fields Are Required" error, even though all fields are filled in.

I suspect this has something to do with some of the components I installed. I had installed (but have deactivated) textareasupport, more genders and signup fields and I currently have disableuseractivation, remote birthdate and remove genders active.

Profiles cannot be updated at all. But I do need to keep gender off of hte front page and manually approve registration. So nixing these two would make the whole system unusable for us. Is there a known fix for this issue?

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Which OSSN version are you running?

us Tango Oscar Replied 4 years ago

As a quick follow up, profile updates work as long as any of the suppressed field components are deactivated. So once I got rid of remove genders and remove birthdate, it worked. Either trigger the error.

Ideally, both would work without error. Barring that, I suppose the best way to handle it would be to add more genders so it is a more inclusive registration process...