I made a plugin that changes the initial registration

William Silva Posted in Component Development 5 years ago

I made a plugin that changes the initial registration page along with the custom fields and I'm trying to add a file to the signup, but I'm not getting it. Through the js file I can add the html content but it gets very dirty, I would like to bring the html content to a separate file, is it possible?

gb Rishi B Replied 4 years ago

if all you want to do is have users upload a file, I don't see why it would be difficult to add an element of type file to the registration form (<input type="file" name="blah">). just add the element and then add the file location to a table in the same way that php can always accept files from an html form. of course it's possible. does anyone want to help you do it? probably not, because you're a rude and obnoxious person.