Tracking down new install issue

Rich Burgess Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago


So I just tried to do an install on a subdomain on my web host (AwardSpace) I checked the requirements Mcrypt, curl, php 7.3, mod_rewrite etc and made sure everything was present and enabled....
Went through the install process and as soon as it finished I am presented with a white screen...

I don't see an error log file or an error log table in the DB so just wondering if anyone has suggestions for tracking down the issue.

us Rich Burgess Replied 4 years ago

no it was already pre installed... I am using a web hosting service to which I don't have access to command line... but it does have the requirements available...

If I need to do command line changes to get it working then I will have to figure something else out.

us Rich Burgess Replied 4 years ago

I ensured mcrypt was installed as I did some searching and found old posts with similar issue to this and they stated enabling mcrypt resolved.

openssl is also already installed and working -

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

OSSN doesn't require mcrypt its requires openssl, you should see following

us Rich Burgess Replied 4 years ago

I created a php file with the phpinfo command to list the modules installed.

I had to add mcrypt to the php.ini file to get it activate it.

(screen shots)

It shows the correct php version -

and mcrypt being enabled -


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

First of all i am not sure how did you checked that mcrypt was present and enabled on php 7.3 ?