Ffmpeg list located and uploads work but the video does not play or buffer?

Mark Lashmar Posted in Performance and Scalability 5 years ago

Hi team,
I have recently upgraded my ossn to a VPS server and all is working fine just one small detail is bothering me
The FFMPEG is loaded, all works well except when it comes to playback.
The video does not play. Could you give me an indication what I need to do, please.
At times I get an error message "error loading his resource"

Arabic Matías Reynolds Replied 4 years ago

To add to the possible causes of the "error loading his resource", check if exec is enabled for the user who manages the web server (www-data, or the corresponding one)

Zuang Mark Lashmar Replied 4 years ago

Hi Arsalan
I am using CWP7pro panel.
CPU Model: Intel Xeon E3-12xx v2 (Ivy Bridge, IBRS)
CPU Details: 2 Core (2500 MHz)
Distro Name: CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1127.13.1.el7.x8664
Platform: x86


Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Please tell me what panel you are using for your VPS?

Zuang Mark Lashmar Replied 4 years ago

Hi Arsalan,
Since day one I have had issues with the video in the meantime I have moved to my own VPS and installed all the required FFMPEG on PHP7.2.31 etc.
What happens is that the software "finds" the ffmpeg path. On the site video is available.
You select the video you want to post. You select upload and the progress bar shows upload however the conversion progress bar remains at "01%" then a green bar appears on top indicating that the video has been successfully uploaded.
Shortly a preview will be shown of the uploaded video.
However when you select play, nothing happens and then in the left top corner the error message will appear.
I have checked the datafile where this file would be stored and find nothing which means that the file has not been uploaded by the software. Also if I physically upload the video manually it still does not work.
I have now uploaded the very latest premium-social-network-52 version which i have uploaded on the server.
Then I connected the mys@l and datafile which populated the whole site. All componets except the video57 is working. I have disabled all components only using the video but still same problem.
I have now turned the video component off. I have gone through all the suggestions made but to avail.
If you are interested I can send you admin access to assist with the investigation.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

@Mark, You said you checked folder but you wasn't able to find anything that means you didn't upload or migrated the ossn_data folder correctly.

Do you able to upload new videos?

Zuang Mark Lashmar Replied 4 years ago

Hi Z
can you supply me with an email and I will send you access to the server etc for you to investigate this as I am getting no luck.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

What still makes me wonder:
In the beginning you said you migrated your complete site.
And since you were able to upload and play videos with your former site without problems there MUST be videos in the data directory.

Now you say: "I checked the data folder and could not find anything in the sub directory Objects that matches the video. Over 10k folders."

So, either you didn't really migrate correctly or you did not search correctly.

Talking about my site, running a find . -name "*mp4*" in the ossn_data/object directory gives


and if your migration is okay, you should see a lot of lines like that. So please verify again.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Hello Mark,
my first candidate to check would be ffmpeg, because there are several versions around, some not working at all, some are missing necessary codecs, etc...
So, the idea is running ffmpeg manually from the command line the same way as Ossn would do.
Let's use a simple input video for testing,
I'd recommend to use the file video.mp4 which comes with the VideoBackground component.
So unzip that component locally and upload video.mp4 to your home directory on the server ...
(/home/mark) or where ever it is located.
Next, login via ssh, proceed to your home directory and run ls -l to verify that video.mp4 is there.
Now, try converting video.mp4 manually with the command

/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -i ./video.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -profile:v baseline -level 3 outfile.mp4

If everything is running smoothly, you should see the newly created file outfile.mp4 short time later,
if not, you may get any kind of error messages which would be of interest.

Zuang Mark Lashmar Replied 4 years ago

Morning Z
Yes that is the issue, the script is not actively creating the folder. I have checked the php scripts and find no fault. It seems that there is a server process that is causing this error. I am trouble shooting the server and when fault is found will post the results.
Thank for you assistance
Stay safe!

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

I thought I just explained the mechanism.
If you see that number (in my example 645) in the url, there should be a corresponding subdirectory 645 in the objects directory, too. If not, it couldn't be created for some reason and you should find something helpful in your error_log