Just wondering if there a simple way from Admin panel to add people as moderator's etc?
Or has someone made a Addon for such a thing? Thanks for any help!
Hello Arsalan, That is incorrect, you are misunderstanding..
There is a difference between moderator and Admin. Moderators don't have full control, Administrators do. You are mixing moderator with admins. In real world applications outside of OSSN moderators and admins do not have the same privileges. Moderators have what I would call pseudo admin with very limited access where as they can edit things, but not delete. Where as Admins have full access and can delete any and all things.
I want moderators where I as admin can determine what privileges they have what they can and can not edit such as group edit only, forum edit only or group and form edit together but not group and or forum deletion. I hope that clears it up.
Here is a link that explains if far better than I.
"Difference between Admin and Moderator"
Thank you.
On one hand you want to make him moderator and on other hand you don't want him to do moderation? I am sorry I don't understand. I am not talking about admin, nor mentioned to make him administrator.
I did not because I did not want to make him an administrator, if it was a moderator with no admin privileges then I would have. I don't trust anyone that much to have admin priviledges.
@Maurice, did you actually tried to login from that user to delete posts, images, etc?
i see that but it's not actually a moderator because the only option it gives is normal and admin, where has moderator is some where in between. Such as able to edit a group or forum but not deleted them. The would defintiely dramatically increase the functionality of the site. I'm still learning how this coding stuff works and with the site so I'm a bit clueless. i still haven't gotten the twitter to work :( I'm a focus on it again this week hopefully.
![enter image description here][ATTACHMENT:6320]
[ATTACHMENT:6320]: ">https://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/photoattachment/6320/screenshot-107.png
@Maurice it is openteknik.com now, and you already have this module.
@Michael Zülsdorff I clicked on that link and got the following error "This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in www.softlab24.com.If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
Is there still a moderator module, and does it allow me to add people to moderator different aspect such as creating groups, forms, etc that would be very useful.
Thank you.
Andre, Yeah from the admin yes, But only option you get is make someone Admin or Normal from there. Don't want give someone that much power ;) But thanks.
It can delete kickken ban ban from user
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Thanks Z Man, I took a look. so i see there a premium package that's offered. Is there a demo or some screen shots what it looks like with all the extra's ? I see a list that tells whats all in it. It be more of a sale point to see it. Thanks.
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.
$199 (Life Time)