Hash Tags / Hashtags / # - not working

Steve Blu Posted in General Discussion 4 years ago

My site.com/hashtag/testing doesn't show any results. ?? Does this have to be added to a cron or something?

in Balamurali Govindan Replied 4 years ago

hashtags works perfectly.

Even the other language hashtags work, example with a #இந்தியா (means #India in Tamil language) when typed in the post generates https://URL/hashtag/இந்தியா and it works/displays the post well.

HOWEVER, the #இந்தியா doesn't have a hyperlink to this URL. This needs to be fixed though.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Just tried two workflows on latest Chrome, Windows10

first colorizing, then entering: what a wonderful #bluesky
first entering: what a wonderful #bluesky, then colorizing

In both cases I got a post like below AND a working link like .../hashtag/bluesky

enter image description here

So please - besides OS, brower, and device - provide exactly your steps to make the hashtags feature fail

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 4 years ago

Not sure what you mean.

us Steve Blu Replied 4 years ago

Is there any way to have the #hashtags work when using a text post with the paint-brush background color as well?

us Steve Blu Replied 4 years ago

Oh, they're not reading from comments/replies, just from the main post. Got it.