Playing videos and safari browser problem

Bob Weston Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago

I noticed some videos do not play on my website on an iPhone using the safari browser.
I was doing some research and this is a typical safari problem that's been around forever.
The videos all play fine on all other browsers but with the iPhone you get "Error loading this resource" and in my domain log it is returned as a 206 error (Partial content). I was doing some research and found out that the byte range needs to be set in the header somehow.

I was reading in this link: github forum and seen that some coding needs to be done but have no clue where and what file. Maybe someone can help? staring at Arsalan and Zetman ;)

gb Implant center Replied 4 years ago

I can't find any switch to turn encoding on or off in this component.

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

in add.php located at \components\Videos\actions, you change the line (46 or 47) to show mp4.. I also added a bunch of others that my server is also capable of converting.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Hi Bob,
I can't find any switch to turn encoding on or off in this component.
So, which way did you manage that?

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

Hi Z,

it was the encoding of that particular video.
The fix was to also encode mp4's on upload.
It works now.

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 4 years ago

Sorry Bob,
but I don't own any Apple devices.
But - since you wrote "SOME videos" - could you please contact and provide a link to a video which IS working and a link to a video which is NOT working?