What email server is required for OSSN to send emails?

Harry Kindle Posted in Technical Support 4 years ago

I am setting up an OSSN site on a personal physical server (Mint 20.10/Ubuntu 20.04; no hosting service). Everything is working great, but when I try to register as a test user, I see the unregistered test user on the admin page, but the test user never received a registration email.
I presume this is because I don't have an email server installed or configured on my server.

Are there any email server requirements OSSN needs to send email properly?

I have done some research and there are a slew of options. I don't want to go through installation and configuration of a server ( exim, postfix, sendmail, mail-in-a-box ) just to find out it is not compatible with OSSN.

I am capable of following instructions to install an email server, I setup MySql and Apache without much trouble, I just need to know which one will work.


German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

depending on what you have installed there are several ways.
I have centOS 7.9 on linux.
Logged in SSH as root I can run the command: sendmail -bp
Some other linux systems use: mailq
I also have cPanel/WHM control panel and in WHM there is a email section where you can check the status of everything.
Other than that I cannot help you.

us Mark Chiles Replied 4 years ago

Is there a way to find any emails that got stuck from sending, perhaps a queue, to push for the users that didn't receive their validation emails?

us Harry Kindle Replied 4 years ago

Thanks Bob, that worked!

German Bob Weston Replied 4 years ago

You have to have SMTP setup with a valid email address.
I would also look into if you have PHP-mail enabled.
There is also a component in GitHub that might help you.
