Optimization for loading time

Av J Posted in Performance and Scalability 4 years ago

Hello! So i have made a site using OSSN and it works great. The only issue iam facing is loading times cause it takes long to load the site. Iam using hostinger for my hosting service and i aldready contacted them regarding this issue and they said the site needs optimization. I also disabled cloudflare but it did not help as much. I hope someone will be able to help me optimize my site as iam not great on the coding part of optimizing.


us Av J Replied 4 years ago

Well, on the website speedtest, it showed that my CSS/java needed optimization which is where they said my site needed it, though they also transferred the server for test and it worked!

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

So they lied to you about it needing optimization. That doesn't surprise me.

us Av J Replied 4 years ago

I have been using Green by Green for a while now and its a charm.
So another quick update, i decided to transfer my domain to UK from the previous location and it loads fine now, Infact the load time on a test was 1.22 seconds which was great!

us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

I'm not going to say "absolutely", but I'm going to say it's a good possibility... shared hosting is shaky.

Since you just created the site... I might also suggest using ~Z~ man's Green by Green theme. Constantly developed, latest release... TODAY! You will need to adjust colors to suit you with the included editor. By far the best theme, and I've tried them all.



us Av J Replied 4 years ago

Hi! So i reset it and still the same issue, i also switched to the go blue theme and the same story, do you think its a server issue from the provider?

us Av J Replied 4 years ago

Hey ! T Iam using shared web hosting. But it has NEVER been as bad as today. It has been pathetic, i was considering restoring to a backed up version of the site to see what is wrong. I will let you know after i restore.


us Philip Lozier Replied 4 years ago

Hmmmm... I just upgraded to 4 core with 8gb VPS not because of speed issues, but I wanted more storage space and to get it I had to. Before that it was just 2 core with 4gb and I had zero issues with loading times, even with multiple users on at the same time. I know making sure the cache is enabled when you're not working on the site is helpful, but still should be much of a lag if not. I use godaddy by the way. I don't think it's optimization.

Now... I have a test server running under namecheap that is under a subdomain of another site that lags "a little bit"... the difference between the two servers is the one that works GREAT is a VPS, the one that lags a bit is shared hosting. Are you using shared or VPS? It makes a difference.


us Av J Replied 4 years ago

My settings page also takes quite a while to load. And my server is 4 cores, has ssd storage and 6gb memory