User Did Not Receive An Activation Email After Registration

Reganold Jali Posted in Technical Support 3 years ago


My question is, what possibility or any setting could lead to the issue that user did not receive an activation email after registration?

Kindly assist, thank you.

Burmese Reganold Jali Replied 3 years ago

Hi Bansh33 & Arsalan,

Problem solved after I install the SMTP component. Thank you very much for your ideas and suggestions on this issue, I really appreciate it.

Thank You,

gb Rishi B Replied 3 years ago

the log file i was referring to is your Apache errorlog file. it should be in the same place as your accesslog

Burmese Reganold Jali Replied 3 years ago

Hi Arsalan.

OK guys, I'll try and hope that it can solve the problem. You guys great, thank you so much.

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

You have issue with your mail server nothing to do with OSSN , as suggested by Bansh you can use SMTP component

Burmese Reganold Jali Replied 3 years ago

Hi Bansh33,

There are no error messages, no nothing. After registration completed, is stated:

"Your account has been registered! We have sent you an account activation email. If you didn't receive the email, please check your spam/junk folder"

Only that, the user did not receive an activation email. FYI, I did uninstall/install OSSN, but the same thing happened.

Which logs file you want to check?

Thank You

gb Rishi B Replied 3 years ago

are you getting any errors or is the msg just not being sent? i'd check your error log, and if you still have trouble, just switch to the smtp component and use a free smtp server like

Burmese Reganold Jali Replied 3 years ago

Hi Bansh33,

Thank you for your reply and suggestion.

At phpinfo I've found this one:

Dynamic Library Support enabled
Path to sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

I did try to send/receive an email from my domain email to another email, its works. Only that for OSSN platform it did not send an activation email to the registered user.

Thank You

gb Rishi B Replied 3 years ago

check that php's mail() function is working for you. an alternative possibility is to use the smtp component to send mail using an (external) smtp server.