Costume work for our site

Hala Halaa Posted in Professional Services 4 years ago

any one can help us edit this ? ((and how much you need for it please ? )

1- edit the chat (add the video button in the bar, attach file, seen and send, make it little bigger add more emojis, sounds for messages enabled default, photo of the user clickable ).
2- notifications pub up
3- flip the site for Arabic RTL,
4-stores : make like , upload video.
5-Ads remove the link from the preview.

thank you

gr Hala Halaa Replied 4 years ago

Highly appreciated, Thank you allot for your support and your good words.

i hope a good freelance will see my post and if they ask for the right amount why not :P

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 4 years ago

No worries... I was trying to give your post a bump, and maybe help it get more exposure. I sincerely hope that I didn't make you feel bad about your English - it's fine. Nobody is going to look at your flag, and expect your English to be perfect.
IF I was better at hacking away on OSSN, I'd offer to help. What I can say is that there's a lot of free lancers out there that can do custom work - but most will try to up-charge you. So, if you go that route - be careful an only pay what it's worth.

gr Hala Halaa Replied 4 years ago

will i need more stuff to be honest, but i need to find someone who can ?
@Michiel sorry for my English, but i try my best ;)

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 4 years ago

This kind of costume work? (kidding. mostly.)
enter image description here