Email notifications link in forums is old and dead

Joseph Blanchard Posted in General Discussion 3 years ago

i cant seem to find the componet dose anone have a link?

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

Didn't think of it that way, but it make sense.

us Joseph Blanchard Replied 3 years ago

ive profiled all social networks and the key to allure is the nagging notifications
i hate buying it but its a must have

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

That's all good, happy to help! I actually need to get that component as well :)

us Joseph Blanchard Replied 3 years ago

UNDER ACOUNT SETTINGS.ahh geuss im still fresh to the interface... thanks

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

I don't have it myself, but it should go off the default setting in smtp settings. Also have a look in your profile settings for your user.
STMP setting here:
You may need to install this component

Then go into a profile and click email notifications

enter image description here

us Joseph Blanchard Replied 3 years ago

i bought it and instaled it enabled it and i cant find any admin setting for it or and user accessible interface

au Joel Sullivan Replied 3 years ago

All good, enjoy :)

us Joseph Blanchard Replied 3 years ago

they hid it under the dragons hoard... thanks