About css layout

gab man Posted in Beginning Developers 10 years ago

How can I change css layout?, I am trying to change black color of header for dark green but I could not find the right folder and file, it could somebody help me with this issue?

ng Uchechukwu Okwum Replied 7 years ago

Where can one change the Font Size for mobile view- Tablets and phones

in Sathish kumar Replied 10 years ago

You have to clear the cache in admin settings , after check it (disable cache and enable it ) .

Gab man Replied 10 years ago

OK, thank Sathish, I did it already but didn't work. I changed images backgrounds at Sign In/Up page (background-image.png, logo.png, logo_2.png) but I couldn't change header background, at default.php it suppose it should be repeat-x a background image:

line 94 --> .ossn-header {
background:#007A29 url('<?php echo ossnsiteurl(); ?>themes/default/images/header-background.png') repeat-x;

I'd change color of image (same size) green instead blue, but didn't work.

Can you be more specific (folder/file->line number) where exactly look for this issue?

in Sathish kumar Replied 10 years ago

in the themes folder ,open the styles folder and change the css of default.php ..