Creat a Paid Services for fast develpment

Wisani Erick Mabunda Posted in Professional Services 10 years ago

Good Day

I'm actauly excited to see that there are people who can code to this level.I would like that we can grow OSSN very fast by offering paid services, like many open sources where in developers design and sell at the mimimum price that will encourage more developers to join the community and it will excite soon facebook with be things of the past.Just a suggestion

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 10 years ago

@lgbt bot, the social network is free.

Zuang Wisani Erick Mabunda Replied 10 years ago

@ Alex I love hearing those words from you ....Thanks

ke Alex ken Replied 10 years ago

@erik iv understod ,im ok

Catalan Lgbt bot Replied 10 years ago

There is still a some work to do, When i look at my URL it has a letter U <-- I would like to get this fixed. from you, and also i can not post pictures to my group

all group should gave there own pictures with bulk uploading . that would be awesome

PLEASE let me know how i pay you, i prefer to pay with Paypal

then i can give you my server info it is in blue-host

and i have no fave. icon i have tried a few thing to get it up

Also many websites inc my site will not pull a picture.
and URL info

Please give me a price to fix this thank you.
for the Awesome scrip would be nice if it can run on its own and not pulling info from Github

I would buy this scrip if the price was right and it had a edit your post after posting so i do not have to delete and re post lol

Romanian Kapus Attila Replied 10 years ago

I say yes for theme development.i really need one unique theme. Not some facebook imitations. by the way,why nobody is try to develop unique themes for sale for ossn?just asking

ng Moneya Replied 10 years ago

@ wisani thanks for your suggestions

Zuang Wisani Erick Mabunda Replied 10 years ago

@ Alex Im not saying that the OSSN should be up for sale !!! I mean to create a sustainable OSSN. The developers are speding time to create Components for us but what is their reward? Will they spend more time if they have more clients on their companies? Of course not...The OSSN core module remain free but special componets e.g like OSSN eccomerce Module they sale maybe for $10 and removal od copy right just donation of $10 etc... Its not that they it will not be an open source it will but in development stage. you will see many developers create components that you never think of coz FB does not offers such opportunity.

Another Point Im using this Scripts to create another source of income by selling advert space what does they benefit ? I mean the creaters Of OSSN! Nothing ! is this Fair ? completely no.

Third Like it or Not OSSN will be growing all over the work ,There will be independent Developers who will create Themes and Components for sale so rather it start here to able to regulate the pricing early...

Alex My brother Please dont Hummer me its also a suggestion as a community member please just take it as Such

ke Alex ken Replied 10 years ago

no!!! if so ithink ossn my lost sense , just a suggestion