Anyone seen an issue using Web Services where wall_add creates 2 entries?

Court Frick Posted in Beginning Developers 3 years ago

Trying to use Web Services to add posts but when I do a /api/v1.0/wall_add I get two entries.
Has anyone seen this before and if so is there a way to fix it?

us Court Frick Replied 3 years ago

Nevermind I figured it out. Some weird redirect on the web server (just changed the url to "") and it only did one wall post.

us Court Frick Replied 3 years ago

I was using Postman to perform the rest api call. When I do a http://website/api/v1.0/wall_add (with the appropriate token, ownerguid, posterguid, type=user and post=test) I get 2 posts on the newsfeed (both are the same).

Indonesian Arsalan Shah Replied 3 years ago

please explain more. its not clear.