I am not sure as to why this is occurring - but none of the extra fields are putting in the saved values when I click Edit Profile.
Country (country selector), Time Zone (TimeZone), Birthdays, Mobile Number, Genders, etc.
It's a little to abstracted to see where, in the code, that it places the values (so that I can see where the failure is).
To make any updates, I have to fill in everything over, just to get it to save as they are all marked "required".
It also fails in the Edit User, in the admin panel.
for example, the birthday field reads undefined//undefined.
Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
German Michael Structuring starts in our heads, I think. Or to put it
this way: You will fail with any programming language if you try to
implement 100 different things simultaneously. :)
Yes. I agree with you!
@Michael - LMAO! 100 % Agreed. :)
Structuring starts in our heads, I think.
Or to put it this way: You will fail with any programming language if you try to implement 100 different things simultaneously. :)
I'm not getting a blank white page. The site for the most part works, and people are using it. Occasionally, though, the themed CSS does not load (not sure why) and you have to refresh the site in your browser.
What I was saying was, if I had the time, I would write something to just download from the database all of the Annotations, Objects, Users, etc., from the database and just do a reset / fresh install.
I don't know why there was weirdness in the Lib.Users php file, maybe the hosting provider's CP File Manager failed to overwrite it (don't know). That was the issue in the Main post of this topic.
I found the issue with the site pages, this one was my fault. When I made my theme, I tried to incorporate elements from the Awesome! Theme... and I missed the removal of one of the hooks, when I went to undo that attempt. (My theme is based on the GoBlue theme.)
The Awesome! Theme has a hook for the site pages that does a "halt" and (I am assuming) a redirect to the theme's version of the site pages. It was that halt, that killed the displaying of the site pages. Removal of that hook, and a page refresh, and my terms, about, and privacy page started working again, a shows up nicely.
The downside to Abstraction with a loosely structured language.
What I meant about this line is that dynamic classes with dynamic properties, while very cool, makes figuring out where things are because it has been made abstract. And, I was commenting on the fact that PHP and Java both have a very "loosely defined" structure, especially when compared to most programming languages where every variable is typed and defined. Such as C# or Visual Basic to name two languages that are very structured.
Structured Languages are significantly easier to debug, and to see where things are going wrong, is all that I was saying.
But, I don't, and I don't have the time to go through and write a component that will take all of the above, write it to a saveable file, and then when done, pop it back in from said file.
I am really sorry but why do you think you need to write a new component to do that? The upgrade steps are pretty straight forward on the URL @Michael mentioned.
Things should work unless you have modified any files or a database structure then things may not work in this case. These are simple steps and not a big issue. If you still see a white page on site pages even your data is saved correctly and showing in backend then you can send me your cpanel , website url, login details and access URL to my email arsalan[a t]buddyexpress.net and I can try to look for you and will post the answer here to this thread for the findings.
The downside to Abstraction with a loosely structured language.
Not sure about this line.
@Michael, I was more referring to the site pages' set up. Specifically, the aspects that show the terms, privacy, and the about pages, as they need to show something other than a blank page when the end user clicks on them.
Ive tried, but it's really hard to troubleshoot things when it's so entwined and lacks any hard declarations.
I re-did the upgrade 3 or so times. It's 6.1. It's just been less than solid since. To be honest, if I had a way of saving the users' data, the site settings/component settings and all of the pictures, posts, comments, likes and all the really social media stuff including current notifications, I would take the site down for a day, nuke everything, and then use the installation. But, I don't, and I don't have the time to go through and write a component that will take all of the above, write it to a saveable file, and then when done, pop it back in from said file. The downside to Abstraction with a loosely structured language.
Which files?
You said you upgraded, so the answer is ALL files. See
@Michael ~ After looking things over, I rather think that the upgrade from 5.2 to 6.1 botched things a bit. Not that I think that the upgrade itself is deficient, but I think my screwing up initially screwed things up. The problem was in the lib.users.php file. even though I deleted that entire directory off of the server and put the new files in place.
I am also thinking that this might be the issue with the site pages showing up in the admin panel and not on their actual site page, when you click the terms or privacy link.
I'd be grateful if you know which files that it uses so I can just replace them.
Thank you.
Took me quite a bit, but I found it.
Thank you!
Thank you, Michael.
Currently working on that!
Due to the many requests in the past for additonal features and components we have decided to develope a premium version. Features like Hashtags, Videos, Polls, Events, Stories, Link Preview, etc included in it.