PHOTOS PRIVACY , only myself or custom settings

Mrigakshi Aggarwal Posted in Component Development 3 years ago

The option of limiting photo album view to only myself / respective member is not there. Is it possible to add it ?
Or a separte private photo album only for user and can be shared with one/two selected users ?

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

@Mrigakshi Aggarwal

I see... Yeah, for medical data, I would definitely use a secure, third party to store it. And, I would share the link in a message to the user.

in Mrigakshi Aggarwal Replied 3 years ago

Firstly would like to really thank you for taking the pain.
Actually my requirement is medical and has privacy concerns.
I think I can try some third party picture and documents storing software.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

Despite how it may have come across, I did go and look to see what would be required to do it, and in testing things out I think I may have screwed up my sandbox site. What I can say is that you have to add in the privacy setting, then change the search, and the displaying of the images / album in both the photos component and wall component (to prevent it from posting). While it can be done, it's a lot of work, and may have unintended consequences.
While Michael is rather stuffy, he does have the experience needed to do it, outside of contacting OpenTeknik and asking them to make the component for you. And, it would cheaper to ask them, over a freelancer.
And that is just to make it only visible to the user themselves. The harder part would be to share it with a very limited audience of one or two users.

How about this idea as a workaround? Make a Private group, and then post them in there, and invite to the group the people that you wish to allow to see said pictures?

in Mrigakshi Aggarwal Replied 3 years ago

Well well .
The purpose of asking was that if such a feature is already available or not. Coz most things I needed i did find in your network .
If it requires professional programming , then obviously i can hire someone to do it. Thanks.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

@Michael -- And, to be fair... I was not here during the early days. Sorry, but I offered him the answer that I was repeatedly given by you, Arsalan, and a few others when I asked about said components. So, if I were you, I'd maybe dial that distaste back there Michael. Just saying.
That, or just link in how to file a bug report, like countless other posts, mate. Cheers!

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

Well, you should get right on it, Michael ;)

German Michael Zülsdorff Replied 3 years ago

I see no reason for such a condescending and stupid answer.
In the early days of Ossn there was just one free component - now there are almost 150, most of which were created EXACTLY BECAUSE of such feature requests.

us Michieal ~ Coder ~ Replied 3 years ago

Of course it's possible to add that. The question is, do you know how to program? or, if not, are you willing to pay someone that knows how to, and has the time to, to do it for you?

I say this because it's not part of the stock functionality, and there's not an existing component out there that does it.